BNB Rises in Value as Partnership with Six Stock Exchange Excites Investors

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Binance CEO Says Futures Trading Platform To Be Launched Next Month

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Swiss ETP issuer and cryptocurrency exchange Binance have agreed to include BNB ETP in Switzerland’s Biggest stock exchange.

As Binance maintains the utility token on BNB, it hopes to pull in more retail investors.

Very soon, Six Swiss Exchange will have Binance BNB in its market for investors to purchase. The ETP BNB partnership will begin on Tuesday.

Binance Exchange keeps expanding its market

With this development, BNB will enter the Swiss stock exchange market to gain more investors.

There are other developments that Binance has carried out over the past few months. It began the operation on the Binance US platform and launched Ripple and Bitcoin based coins on the Binance Index.

As the positive news spreads across the industry, the coin price of Binance on CoinMarketCap has started rising already.

The effort of the management to provide different liquidity options to the Binance coins is already paying off.

With the inclusion of BNB into the Swiss Exchange, it will open the market for new investors in the region.

Binance is also involved in other activities, which has made the coin very popular in the industry.

There are other efforts put in place to make sure the coin retains and even surpasses its value. For instance, it conducts BNB burns regularly to keep the value of the coin. The company also offers charity payments to selected organizations each year.

Clearing the confusion about whether Binance is a security

In the past, many people have argued whether it’s proper to regard BNB as security, mainly mainly because of regulatory issues.

To wade off this confusion, Binaced made some adjustments in BNB’s token white paper.

The company issued out a statement stressing that BNB is more like a token than security. The utility token, according to the statement, has a wide range of use cases.

However, since ABNB is an ETP, the investors are more or less investing in security. They are buying into the Binance ecosystem and holding security without actually buying BNB.

And with the continued dominance of BNB in the market, the BNB/ETP token may even become stronger.

Binance trying to connect with investors

Amun and BNB hope to reach the wider retail market. To achieve this, they are partnering together to bring BNB into the exchange market.

The partnership will launch BNB coins as a highly secured and regulated instrument that is more accessible with more liquidity.

With the provision of a customary financial structure, investors will be confident to choose BNB as their investment option, according to Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao.

Investors are looking for tokens with a good level of financial security. With the new addition of BNB into the Swiss largest stock exchange, there is a high sense of regard investors have over the coins.

Already, the news has spurred the market, and BNB is valued much more than it was yesterday.

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