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Tron Price (TRX)

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Don’t invest unless prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, you shouldn’t expect to be protected if something goes wrong.

Tron Price Chart

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  • tron
  • TRON
  • Price
  • Market Cap
    $11.96 B

First thing’s first, TRON is a shady blockchain company. We like to give every altcoin we review a fair shake, and the benefit of the doubt, but at no point in its history has TRON (the company) been transparent about its dealings. From the very beginning, CEO Justin Sun turned TRON into a marketing machine, but it never had the technology to back up his incredible claims. As for TRON today, TRX investors seem to be afraid that Sun himself is abandoning the project in favor of the BitTorrent IEO and subsequent pump n’ dump.

We’ll get into all of the details in the post to come, but suffice to say that you couldn’t pay us to invest in TRX. There are many more promising projects in the space, ones built on tangible fundamentals, not empty promises from media mavens.

Why TRON Prices Rise and Fall

Like every other cryptocurrency and altcoin in the market (like Bitcoin BTC),

TRON TRX prices rise and fall based on market sentiment. How much do investors think TRX is worth at any given time? How much TRX is available on the exchanges? Is TRON making positive headlines at the given moment? All of these factors influence what investors are willing to pay for TRX, and the basic laws of supply and demand do the rest.

More practically, TRX prices seem to respond to the marketing efforts of the TRON company, and CEO Justin Sun specifically. Sun, if nothing else, understands the modern media landscape. Chinese-born and ostensibly mentored by Chinese business titan Jack Ma, Sun has fashioned himself as a youthful titan of industry. At 29, Sun has been the subject of much media attention on both sides of the Atlantic, and commands more Twitter followers than Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin.

That said, Justin Sun is not, shall we say, technically savvy. In the rare occasions when Sun speaks to technical issues related to the TRON network, he demonstrates a stammering, incomplete knowledge of technical fundamentals. At his best, Sun is a cheerleader for TRON. But what makes TRON a technology worth shilling? We wish we had a good answer for you, but that is very much in question to this day.

At the outset, TRON was going to be a media company that used the blockchain to rival platforms like Youtube and Spotify. In years past, CEO Sun had introduced a dating app to the Chinese market with some success. The app was sort of like Tinder, with video chat and financial transfers added on top (let’s allow our imaginations to wander for just a moment…). In its earliest days in mid-2017, TRON was basically just a blockchain tethered to this dating app. But it promised so much more.

TRON was supposed to be the biggest online media platform in the world, and early TRX investors bought this story hook, line, and sinker. Even as the market crashed in early 2018, TRON continued to tout new partnerships and promising updates. However, analysis of the company’s software told a different story. If you were to examine the TRON Github, you’d find software riddled with bugs, commits from only a couple of individuals, and poor communication from the development team.

TRON’s software worked poorly, at best. So what did TRON do about it? Instead of fixing their product, TRON bought up some software that worked, in the form of BitTorrent, the P2P file-sharing app. They also released a new BitTorrent coin, BTT, in partnership with Binance. Today, BTT is just about all Justin Sun talks about, and you’re unlikely to hear him mention TRX. What gives? Has Justin Sun really abandoned the altcoin that made him famous in the West, in favor of a pump n’ dump scheme?

TRON Historical Prices

All answers point to “yes”. But if this analysis is true, what influence have these disconcerting factors had upon the price of TRX? Well, Tron prices have been languishing along with the rest of the crypto markets, since TRX’s second major pump in May of 2018. Tron today trades for about $0.02, and the lack of news on the Tron front means that these prices are likely to stick around for the foreseeable future.

But it wasn’t always this way. TRON entered the crypto markets like so many other altcoins, trading for fractions of a penny after the initial ICO. When TRX prices started to surge, as they did in January 2018, TRX prices shot up to more than $0.25 per token! Back then, having TRX stored in a Tron wallet was definitely a good idea because you could have sold your coins for profit. This was one of the most notable meteoric price gains in the entire crypto ecosystem at the time, but little did investors know that this was merely a flash in the pan. When TRON crashed, it did so without mercy, falling to a mere $0.03 only a month after its all-time high.

TRON worth bounced around the in the weeks to follow, briefly emerging above $0.05 for hours or days, before tumbling closer to $0.02. More recently, TRX has stabilized around $0.02, as there have been not much good news in the past few months that has related to TRX specifically.

At this point, even the most enthusiastic of TRON fanboys has to consider the possibility that TRON development has stalled, Justin Sun’s attention has been diverted to a new get-rich-quick scheme in BTT, and no further pumps for TRX are likely. We could, of course, be wrong in this estimation, but we think that any honest examination of the evidence will make our position seem pretty reasonable. If you bought into the hype and invested in TRX, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Its marketing and amended whitepaper were impressive; but don’t let yourself be fooled again. Any project attached to serial scammer Justin Sun is probably not worth the time it takes to debunk its associated claims.

TRON Future Price Predictions

So clearly we’re not big fans of TRON, specifically because the platform has been used to defraud and confuse investors. What do we expect of future TRON price action? Here are our TRON predictions for this year and the years to come.

TRON Prices in 2019

There are many scammy, shoddy projects in the crypto space, though some of them still seem to have some life in them. TRON does not seem to be one of them. If you go on TRON’s Reddit page, you’ll see that TRON fans are really starting to doubt the future of their favorite blockchain project. People are starting to notice that Justin Sun doesn’t even talk about TRX anymore, even as he shills BTT at the drop of a hat. We think TRON prices will dip by year’s end, resulting in…

$0.01 per TRX.

TRON Prices in 2020

By 2020, it should be abundantly clear that Justin Sun and company have no intention of pushing or developing TRON any further. TRON supporters will have become disenchanted, and all but the most rabid will have sold their TRX, or will have forgotten that they bought any in the first place. By the end of 2020, we’ll be seeing TRON prices around…

$0.005 per TRX.

TRON Prices in 2021 and Beyond

By 2021, we seriously hope that no one is still talking about TRON, except as a cautionary tale that defined the scammy environment that emerged in the early 2019 crypto bear market. Blockchain, by this time, will be a maturing technology, one that touches many different facets of our lives. Numerous digital assets, utility tokens, and cryptocurrencies will be hugely valuable, and the Amazons, Netflixes, and Youtubes of the blockchain space will be emerging on the world stage. Though TRON originally claimed that it would be among them, we don’t think it will be anything but a sore memory for those who invested in it. By the end of 2021, you’ll be able to buy TRON tokens for…

$0.00 per TRX.

This post was written in early 2019, and it’s a difficult market environment we’re living in. Very, very few blockchain projects are increasing in value. Most of the ones that are, it seems sometimes, are using scams instead of innovation to bring in cash. We’ve looked at TRON from all sides, and it really seems to be one of these scammy projects. Perhaps at one time, TRON was as good as its word, and the TRON team was really working to implement the bold vision of their enthusiastic young CEO.

Today, the TRON team seems to have realized that they missed their chance at world domination, and that it might be better to throw their efforts into a new platform, evidenced by the BitTorrent acquisition. From our perspective, BTT is the vision of TRON with a new coat of paint, but still no practical path forward for achieving the goals set out in the TRON whitepaper. We want our readers to invest in high quality projects, and while we can’t always tell you what those projects are, we certainly will try to tell you what they’re not. Avoid TRON.