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Robert Kennedy Jr. Net Worth, Crypto and NFT Investments

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Robert Kennedy Jr. is a popular environmental advocate, politician, and candidate for the 2024 presidential elections in the United States. His financial disclosure with the Federal Election Commission has continued to raise questions about his actual net worth. However, according to our estimates, the net worth of Robert Kennedy Jr. is about $55 million in 2023.

Robert Kennedy Jr.

The Democrat acquired the bulk of this wealth through earnings from his environmental law firm; Kennedy & Madonna, LLP. His salary as the chairman of Children’s Health Defense also contributed to his present financial status. In his disclosure, Kennedy Jr. confirmed that he holds Bitcoin in his portfolio. 

The presidential hopeful is also popular as an author, with several books to his name. Some of his books promote his stance against vaccines. Kennedy Jr. made a name for himself through his participation in the 2005 anti-vaccine movement. Then, he published a story, alleging conspiracy in the removal of thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative from all childhood vaccines. However, he has continued to downplay his anti-vaccine stance as the 2024 presidential election draws closer. 

Robert Kennedy’s Net Worth Since 2021

Year Net Worth
2021 $45 million
2022 $50 million
2023 $55 million

Early Life

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. was born at Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, D.C. on January 17, 1954. He’s the son of Senator and attorney general Robert F. Kennedy. Also, he’s a nephew to President John F. Kennedy and Senator Ted Kennedy. He grew up in renowned neighborhoods like McLean, Virginia, Cape Cod, and Massachusetts. However, things swiftly changed for Robert Kenedy Jr. when he was nine years old. Then, his uncle, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

The death of the president had a significant impact on Robert Kennedy Jr. and the rest of the family. The situation worsened after his father Robert F. Kennedy was also killed during his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1968. The young Kennedy was just 14 years old when he lost his father.

His father’s death compelled him to move in with a surrogate family in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was rusticated from two boarding schools for drugs-related issues before proceeding to Palfrey Street School in Watertown, Massachusetts. Eventually, he graduated from Palfrey Street School and secured admission into Harvard University.

Around August 1970, Robert Kennedy Jr. alongside his cousin Bobby Shriver was arrested in Barnstable, Massachusetts for marijuana possession. With this, young Kennedy and Shriver were placed on thirteen (13) months probation. Six years later, he graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor of Arts in American history and literature. 

Later, he studied at the London School of Economics. Also, he earned a Juris Doctor degree and a Master of Law from the University of Virginia School of Law and Pace University respectively. While at the Pace University School of Law, he founded the Environmental Litigation Clinic.

The clinic filed various lawsuits against governments and companies for polluting Long Island Sound and the Hudson River. In addition, Robert Kennedy Jr. and his students sued a host of municipal wastewater treatment industries to ensure their compliance with the Clean Water Act. 


After earning his Master of Laws from Pace University, Robert Kennedy Jr., in 1982 became an assistant district attorney for Manhattan. He resigned a year later after failing his bar exam. Likewise, he was also charged with illegal possession of heroin.

In early 1984, he pleaded guilty and was given two years probation and community service. While serving his punishment, he enrolled at a drug treatment center and also volunteered for the Natural Resources Defense Council. Luckily, the authorities relaxed his probation from two years to a year. 

Thereafter, Robert Kennedy Jr. joined Riverkeeper as an investigator. His brilliant performance in this role earned him a promotion with Riverkeeper. Consequently, in 1985, he was admitted to the New York bar. While working with Riverkeeper, Robert Kennedy Jr. litigated and supervised environmental enforcement lawsuits on behalf of the Hudson Riverkeeper and the Long Island Soundkeeper.

In 1986, he was part of the team that won a lawsuit against Remington Arms Trap and Skeet Gun Club in Stratford, Connecticut. The lawsuit ended the practice of shooting lead shots in Long Island Sound. Kennedy Jr. championed various environmental advocacy causes, and his success with Riverkeeper on the Hudson inspired the establishment of Waterkeepers across the continent.

In 1991, he represented environmentalists and New York City watershed consumers in a host of lawsuits against the state government. In one of the lawsuits, the environmentalists accused the New York government of failing in its responsibility to protect water resources within the state.

During the year, he founded the Waterkeeper Alliance alongside other Riverkeepers. Today, the association has spread beyond the United States of America to other countries. Robert Kennedy Jr. is the president of the Alliance, and he oversees legal membership, policy formulation, and fundraising initiatives. The group focuses on promoting “swimmable, fishable, drinkable waterways, worldwide.” 

During the 104th Congress, specifically around 1995, Kennedy Jr. advocated for the abolition of legislation that appeared unfriendly to the environment. Within the year, he also facilitated the $1.2 billion New York City Watershed deal between the state, environmentalists, and New York City watershed consumers. 

Driven by his commitment to environmental advocacy, Kennedy Jr., in 2000 partnered with Kevin Madonna. Kevin Madonna is also a prominent environmental lawyer. The partnership led to the establishment of environmental law firm, Kennedy and Madonna, LLP. The law firm represents private plaintiffs against environmental polluters. Through the firm, the duo litigated environmental contamination cases on behalf of individuals, non-profit organizations, schools, states, and public water suppliers.

In 2001, Kennedy and Madonna gathered a team of notable law firms to tackle pollution from industrial pork and poultry production. Also, the law firm was part of the team that won a $70 million settlement for property owners in Pensacola, Florida. The plaintiffs’ properties were contaminated by chemicals from a nearby Superfund site. 

Meanwhile, he became a counsel to the Morgan & Morgan law firm through a partnership. The collaboration surfaced as a result of litigation by the legal firm against SolCaGas Company following the Aliso Canyon gas leak in California. 

Without any doubt, Robert Kenndey Jr. instigated and won various lawsuits for his private clients. His success in this field earned him widespread recognition. 


As an author, he wrote various books with some reflecting his environmental advocacy, anti-vaccination stance, biography, and American heroes. One of his works is titled “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio–Pharmaceutical Complex (2022).” He also wrote “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (2021).” Nevertheless, the numerous publications contributed only a little to the net worth of Robert Kennedy Jr. 

Political Engagements

Between 1979 and 1980, Robert Kennedy Jr. volunteered to join his uncle’s campaign team for the presidency. The exploits of his father and uncle in the political arena showered him with the inspiration to do politics. His first consideration about running for a political office surfaced in 2000. Then, New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan decided not to recontest for the U.S. Senate seat; a position Robert Francis Kennedy once held. This propelled Robert Kennedy Jr. to consider contesting for the position. However, he withdrew from the race after Hilary Clinton announced her intention to run. 

In 2005, Robert Kenedy Jr. also considered running for New York Attorney General. This aspiration could have made him a rival to his then-brother-in-law, Andrew Cuomo. Surprisingly, he dropped the ambition, citing family commitment. 

Two years later, Robert Kennedy Jr. endorsed Hilary Clinton for the 2008 presidential nomination of the Democratic Party. However, he shifted ground after the eventual emergence of Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee. Obama’s presidential bid became a success and he considered nominating Kennedy Jr. as the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. However, the then President abandoned the idea after he felt the Senate might not approve his nomination. 

Meanwhile, Robert Kennedy Jr. has officially declared his intention to possibly contest for president in 2024. He made the announcement on March 3, 2023, while delivering a keynote speech in New Hampshire. On April 5, 2023, he filed his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2024 election. With that, he became the fifth person from his family to run for the United States presidency. 

Since he declared his ambition, the outcome of numerous polls has gone in his favor. He is regarded as a strong contender for the Democratic presidential nomination. A particular poll indicated that more Republicans than Democrats perceived him to be more favorable for the race.

In his financial disclosure, Robert Kennedy Jr. reported an income of $7.8 million in 2022. In addition, the filing indicated that Robert Kennedy Jr. earned about $1.6 million as returns from his consultancy work for a personal injury law firm popular for litigation against pharmaceutical companies. Likewise, the presidential hopeful also bagged $5 million through his environmental law firm; Kennedy and Madonna. 


Robert Kennedy Jr. remains a prominent advocate of the anti-vaccine campaign. The lawyer is the chairman of Children’s Health Defense; an anti-vaccine advocacy group. Robert Kennedy Jr. joined the group in 2015. The group claims that a substantial amount of American children are suffering from conditions like food allergies, autism, cancer, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In addition, the group alleged that children became vulnerable to these diseases as a result of their exposure to some chemicals. 

The group strongly believes vaccines cause autism. Autism is a severe developmental disorder that cripples one’s ability to communicate and interact. The legal practitioner in his campaign targeted some vaccines that contained thimerosal; a mercury-based anti-microbial. In one of his articles, he accused the government of covering up the connection between thimerosal and childhood neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. 

This campaign gained significant ground on top social media platforms. Reports indicated that Kennedy Jr. and his group masterminded various anti-vaccine Facebook advertisements around 2018 and 2019.

Meanwhile, his advocacy has, in recent years, been greeted with stern condemnations even from members of his family. They criticized him for spreading harmful misinformation that could cause heartbreaking consequences. 

Likewise, experts have consistently slammed Robert Kennedy Jr. for spreading false information about vaccines. They lamented how the advocate has been able to effectively spread his propaganda with the use of graphs and figures, stressing that he mastered the art of illusion of fact. 

Nonetheless, Robert Kennedy Jr. refused to embrace the anti-vaccine label placed on him. Rather, he views himself as a pro-vaccine. Backing his claims, he explained how he ensured the vaccination of all his six children. The legal practitioner admitted that he has no doubt about the efficacy of vaccines in saving people’s lives. But, his agitation is that these vaccines must be safe.

Also, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Robert Kennedy Jr. championed various conspiracy theories. He accused Anthony Fauci and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of making efforts to make profits from a vaccine. Kennedy Jr. wrote two books to strengthen his claims against the philanthropists. 

During this period, he also alleged that complications from COVID-19 vaccines were responsible for the death of many people. However, his Instagram account was blocked in early 2021 owing to his “exhaustive usage of social media to spread various propaganda” about the pandemic and vaccines. Similarly, he violated YouTube’s policies on vaccine misinformation which led to the removal of his account in September 2021.

Is Robert Kennedy Jr. Pro Crypto?

Apart from Ron DeSantis, Robert Kennedy Jr. is another pro-crypto guy eyeing the White House job in 2024. His interest in crypto, particularly Bitcoin began to turn heads after he declared his intention to wrestle the presidential ticket of the Democratic Party with Joe Biden. The presidential hopeful is a proponent of financial freedom and believes Bitcoin has what it takes to offer such.

In one of his recent interviews, he reflected on how the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic exposed him to the potential of crypto as a “symbol of freedom.”  According to him, Canada’s decision to block the bank accounts of protesting truck drivers amid the global crisis made him realize the importance of free money. 

“When I realized this… devastating use of government repression, I realized for the first time how free money is as important to freedom as free expression.” 

Meanwhile, since he declared his intention to participate in the race, Kennedy Jr. has been making efforts to woo the crypto community by attending conferences and Twitter spaces to talk about Bitcoin. For instance, around May 2023, he graced the Miami Bitcoin conference and made headlines after he described the largest crypto by market cap as “an exercise in democracy.” Kennedy Jr. also made a groundbreaking announcement that donations for his presidential bid can be made in Bitcoin.

Unlike other presidential candidates of his party, Kennedy Jr. has a soft spot for Bitcoin and the crypto industry at large. This explains why he has been criticizing Biden’s clampdown on the sector. Just recently, the presidential candidate slammed the proposed 30% tax on crypto mining by Biden, describing it as a bad idea.

Likewise, he slammed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), stressing that their war against crypto caused the crisis that ravaged major banks in the U.S. in early 2023. This remark was in reaction to an article by Ellen Brown titled “How the War on Crypto Triggered a Banking Crisis.” 

Kennedy Jr. is also known as a major critic of the Federal Reserve. He lamented how the apex bank collaborated with several banking firms to print a colossal amount of money between 2008 to 2022. His belief is that the policy would trigger a monetary imbalance in the future and recommended Bitcoin as the only “escape route from the splatter zone.” He described Bitcoin and other crypto technologies as a “major innovation engine.”

Being a presidential hopeful, Kennedy Jr. has been rolling out his pro-crypto manifesto to win the hearts of crypto users in the country. He plans to grow the crypto landscape with regulations that allow people to control their wallets, passwords, and nodes. Specifically, the Democratic candidate pledged that government won’t monitor how Bitcoin traders spend their assets if elected in 2024. 

“I will make sure that your right to hold and use Bitcoin is inviolable. I will make sure that we have policies that support Bitcoin and the freedom to transact and that allow individuals to manage their own Bitcoin wallets, nodes, and passwords.”

Meanwhile, as Wall Street players like BlackRock, Fidelity, Bitwise, and Invesco await the approval of their Bitcoin ETF filings with the SEC, Kennedy Jr. has warned his followers about the dangers ahead. He labeled the purported “revolution” for crypto by these firms as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” According to him, the applications if approved could threaten the financial freedom of investors and make them vulnerable to CBDC. Kennedy Jr. said he won’t be surprised to see BlackRock converts its ETFs from Bitcoin into the digital dollar.

Similarly, he graced an event organized by the Heal-the-Divide PAC to share more insights about his pro-Bitcoin policies if elected. Apart from exempting crypto from capital gain taxes, the Democrat is also planning to “back the U.S. dollar with real finite assets, such as gold, silver, platinum, and Bitcoin.” His position is that the implementation of such a policy will help revive the strength of the dollar, control inflation, and as well, foster financial stability in the country. Nonetheless, this proposal has continued to generate mixed reactions from members of the public. While some people believe its implementation would help attract investment and strengthen the U.S. economy, critics are concerned about the risks associated with crypto. They believe the extreme volatility of crypto could plunge the country into an economic crisis.

Kennedy Jr. has reservations about the government’s centralized digital currencies, describing them as oppressive financial products. His position aligns with that of his potential opponent, Ron DeSantis who described CBDC as a direct attack on crypto. DeSantis believes the digital asset will further centralize all financial transactions, allowing the government to monitor private spending.

While the adoption of the digital dollar is still in contention before the Senate, it is unlikely that both Kennedy Jr. and DeSantis will challenge each other at the 2024 polls. The duo still have an uphill task of defeating Joe Biden and Donald Trump in their parties’ primaries.

Nonetheless, Kennedy’s pro-Bitcoin plans have continued to earn him the support of top Bitcoin investors. Just recently, Twitter co-founder and Bitcoin investor, Jack Dorsey officially endorsed his presidential bid. In a Twitter post, Dorsey shared a video of Kennedy’s interview with Fox News where he argued his capacity to defeat Trump and DeSantis in 2024. The Twitter co-founder, in his caption to the shared clip, said; “he can and will.”

Crypto and NFT Holdings of Robert Kennedy Jr.

During his keynote message at the 2023 Bitcoin conference, Kennedy Jr. said he had no crypto portfolio. Nevertheless, his recent financial disclosure suggests otherwise. According to the disclosure, the family trust of the presidential hopeful is enveloped with $100,000 to $250,000 worth of Bitcoin. This revelation left Kennedy Jr. with an explanation to make, which he has done convincingly. First, his spokesperson confirmed the holdings but stressed that Kennedy Jr. made the investment after the Bitcoin conference. 

“Mr. Kennedy’s investments in Bitcoin were made AFTER he made his speech and BEFORE the June 30th reporting deadline. There is no conflict.”

Likewise, Kennedy Jr. himself also confirmed that he now holds Bitcoin. He revealed that he also bought two BTCs for each of his seven children. With this, the presidential hopeful has demonstrated that his support for Bitcoin is absolute.

Crypto and NFT Projects Featuring Robert Kennedy Jr.

Amid his pro-Bitcoin presidential campaigns, Kennedy Jr has attracted scores of crypto and NFT projects. One of the projects is $RKF, a meme coin that was developed by supporters of his presidential aspiration. Similarly, there is an NFT collection featuring him on OpenSea. 

As the tussle for the 2024 presidential election heats up, it is expected that other projects, including Wall Street Memes, will feature Kennedy Jr. In recent years, Wall Street Memes, for instance, featured his political rival and incumbent president of the United States, Biden. Likewise, his potential opponent from the Republican party, DeSantis has also been featured. 

This project has continued to make a strong imprint in the social media space, mocking Wall Street and the existing banking system with its daily memes. It derives inspiration from the Gamestop movement that unfolded in 2021. Recall that investors, in an attempt to save stocks like GameStop declared war on Wall Street. This development skyrocketed the shares of the video game retailer. 

Meanwhile, apart from making a mockery of Wall Street and the traditional financial system, the team behind Wall Street Memes also wants to drive crypto innovations with its humorous memes. These memes are so intriguing to the extent that they generate over forty million impressions monthly. Today, the project has over one million supporters on social media, courtesy of the widespread popularity of its memes. 

Without any doubt, Elon Musk’s recent interactions with the project have also rekindled the wave of excitement surrounding its memes. This is evidenced by the rising figure of participants in its ongoing $WSM presale. Recall that the team behind the project unveiled the meme coin around May 2023 as part of its drive to tokenize the expanding Wall Street Memes’ ecosystem. There is a strong belief that $WSM will be the next meme coin to earn Musk’s blessings. 

More so, early investors are also ecstatic about the tokenomics of $WSM because it gives the community the main say on the future of the project. It is not in doubt that this factor has contributed to the astonishing success of the ongoing presale. With over $20 million raised, there is no doubt that the token sale event is one of the fastest-growing crypto presales in the industry. 

Likewise, several crypto influencers, including Jacob Crypto Bury are also convinced about the potential of the meme coin. In recent weeks, Jacob Crypto Bury said the crypto is “the next 100x crypto gem!” Whether Bury’s prediction will come to fruition anytime soon or not is debatable. But, with the success of its ongoing presale, there’s enough indication that $WSM will be the next cryptocurrency to yield huge returns for its early investors. 

Meanwhile, you can still buy the token before it is listed on tier-1 CEXs in September. Visit for more details.

Robert Kennedy’s Net Worth – Our Verdict

Robert Kennedy Jr. has an eight-figure net worth, courtesy of the income from his law firm and salary as chairman of Children’s Health Defense. In his 2023 financial disclosure with the Federal Election Commission, he analyzed all his yearly earnings and how they all contributed to his current financial standing.

As the 2024 presidential election draws closer, Kennedy Jr. will be hoping to beat the incumbent president for the nomination of the Democratic Party. His pro-Bitcoin manifesto has pulled strong polling numbers to his side, making him one of the biggest contenders for the White House job. If Kennedy Jr. does not step down his ambition, he might be a hard nut to crack for Joe Biden

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Which of the major political parties in the U.S. does Robert Kennedy Jr. belongs to?

Robert Kennedy Jr. is a committed member of the Democratic Party. He is seeking to wrestle the party’s presidential nomination with Joe Biden.

What's the 2023 net worth of Robert Kennedy Jr.??

The 2023 net worth of Robert Kennedy Jr. is estimated to be around $55 million.

How did Robert Kennedy Jr. build his fortune?

Robert Kennedy Jr. made the bulk of his eight-figure net worth, through earnings from his law firm and salary as chairman of Children’s Health Defense.